Destiny 2: Forsaken - The Black Armory

The Black Armory was the first DLC released after Destiny 2’s Forsaken expansion. I was not initially on the team for most of the development of this release (As I was one of the core designers of Forsaken’s “Dreaming City” location at the time), but would later join to rework and reimagine the core mechanics of the Forge activity, which was coming in hot and not up to the quality we knew we could hit. Aside from the overall mechanics, I personally handled redoing one of the 4 Forge’s gameplay, scripting, encounter work, and minor environment adjustments. As I was brought on later in the development of this content, we didn’t have enough time to make large scale changes to the environment, so I only made minor edits to the physical space as needed.


The Izanami Forge

I inherited the Izanami Forge from the devs over at Vicarious Visions. While the art and environment were mostly complete by this point, the Forge activity itself had to be completely redone, especially in light of the major core changes to the activity that were beginning to take place. Additionally, there were still some adjustments to the environment geo that needed to take place to better serve player movement. I commend the team at Vicarious Visions for all the work they did getting the Forge to where it was when I took over, and fully acknowledge the team effort needed to really make it shine.